Intellectual Contributor Application

Are you an expert in your field?
Want to get recognized by our community?
Are you ready to share your knowledge?

Humessence wants you!


We’re always open for new guest authors and individual bloggers to contribute high-quality and stellar content. Scale your brand building efforts quickly not just through our website but also throughout our social media.


Before submitting your application, please make sure you have read through all of our guidelines below. 

  1. Authenticity: We only publish original articles from their original authors, not on behalf of a company or anyone. We do not allow copied or plagiarized content. 
  2. Topics: Content should be related to personal and professional development. Press releases, sales pitches, fake product reviews, advertorials, or any type of similar content is not permitted.
  3. Formatting: Add informative, value-packed copy under sub-headings. Use headings, subheadings, and numbered lists/bullets for ease of digesting information.
  4. External links: Include facts, research, sources, or personal anecdotes to substantiate your insights, information, and arguments with external links (no less than 3). Be sure to link trustworthy sources.
  5. Creatives: We encourage authors to include high-quality images as part of the submission. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use images and/or any other material from outside sources with source citations or credits. Remember to only use images from which you have permission or which are in the public domain.
  6. Blog Touchups: We reserve the right to edit the content you submit. This will primarily be done to correct errors or make the content more readable.
  7. Author Bio and Photo: All published posts will include your Intellectual Contributor Profile with links for our community to interact with you and/or your services. 

Experts that make good candidates

  1. Trainers, speakers, coaches, and consultants.
  2. Leaders, managers and executives.
  3. Educators, professors, and administrators.
  4. Therapists, psychologists, and counselors.

Terms and Conditions

  1. By submitting your application, you agree to receive administrative and marketing communication(s) from Humessence LLC.
  2. Initial verbal interview screening is required for Intellectual Contributors.
  3. Once you have been accepted into the Intellectual Contributor program you will receive our Expert Insight badge via email. That’s the only time you are allowed to display it.

Are you ready?

Please make sure you have read and checked all the points above before submitting the Intellectual Contributor Application Form. 

Intellectual Contributor Application

Please read the guidelines carefully and fill out all the necessary information needed in sending your article.

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