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5 Ways to Promote Boundaries & Prevent Burnout in a Remote Workplace
While it’s the dream to swap the daily commute for a stroll to the kitchen, leading a remote team comes with its own set of unique challenges. You’ve got to keep your team energized, motivated, engaged, and far away from burnout. But when your office is also your home, how do you create boundaries that actually stick? Here are 5 actionable strategies that you can apply immediately to keep yourself and your team feeling energized, balanced, motivated and empowered to do their best work. 1. Encourage Clear Boundaries First things first, let’s talk about boundaries. Remote work can blur the lines between home and office, so it’s your job to help your team keep things crystal clear. Define Team Work Hours: Encourage your team to
5 Ways to Promote Boundaries & Prevent Burnout in a Remote Workplace
While it’s the dream to swap the daily commute for a stroll to the kitchen, leading a remote team comes with its own set of unique challenges. You’ve got to keep your team energized, motivated, engaged, and far away from burnout. But when your office is also your home, how do you create boundaries that actually stick? Here are 5 actionable strategies that you can apply immediately to keep yourself and your team feeling energized, balanced, motivated and empowered to do their best work. 1. Encourage Clear Boundaries First things first, let’s talk about boundaries. Remote work can blur the lines between home and office, so it’s your job to help your team keep things crystal clear. Define Team Work Hours: Encourage your team to
Unlocking the Power of Authentic Leadership
The Power of Authentic Leadership What does it mean to be authentic? Brené Brown defines authenticity as “the daily practice of letting go of who
Overcoming Manufacturing Challenges with Effective Team Leadership
I was working as a Manufacturing Leader for a company renowned for its innovative products. While our products were best in class in meeting patients’
A Coach’s Perspective: My Complicated Relationship With Innovation
As I reflect on my life to date, from my earliest childhood memories to my current experiences as a “newly minted” Medicare cardholder, I realize
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Boost Your Team’s Innovation with These Two Simple Strategies
While creativity can be for the sake of itself, innovation always contributes—to a population, product, service, infrastructure, etc. Innovation tames the winds of creativity behind a sail that moves us forward. What does your team need to set sail and stay on course? As a leader, you have the responsibility to cultivate an environment that supports innovation. In theory, this task seems easy; however, in practice, it can be quite challenging. Consequently, I chose to keep it simple. Therefore, in this article, I present two practical strategies, along with specific actions, that have proven to be the easiest for my executive leadership clients to implement. 1) Create Time and Space Notice, create, because you probably
Insights By Coach
- Coach John
- Coach Julie
- Coach Don
- Coach Casie
- Coach Brett
- Coach Victoria
- Coach Tony
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