Welcome To The Present Professional Podcast

Insights, strategies, and stories of remarkable professionals to improve your experience of life and work.

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Everything we unpack on the show lies at the intersection of personal and professional development. On The Present Professional Podcast, we’re committed to delivering insights and tools that improve your experience at the meeting table and dinner table. Tune in, and start bringing them into your life today with every episode.

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A podcast that not only inspires, but also gives clear direction to put insights into action.

A Present Professional is… a mindful, emotionally intelligent, objective human that is clear on their values, and believe it or not, playful and fun! Here’s some examples of what we’ll discuss:

Mindfulness | Connection | Business | Creativity | Ego-Awareness | Relationships | Diversity | Success | Health & Wellness

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The Present Professional Blogs

Join John and Tony to explore the intersections of personal and professional development.

three columns carrying the words executive presence with pillars names gravitas, communication, and appearance

The Three Pillars of Executive Presence: Gravitas, Communication, and Appearance #054

Welcome to “The Present Professional”, your go-to podcast for unlocking the secrets to personal and professional development. Hosts John and Tony embark on an illuminating journey into the realm of executive presence, unraveling its essence and uncovering the key pillars that underpin it. Synopsis John and Tony explore the concept of executive presence, discussing its three pillars: gravitas, communication, and appearance. They reference Sylvia Ann Hewitt’s book “Executive Presence” and emphasize the importance of self-awareness, self-management, and relationship management in developing executive presence. They delve into topics such as confidence, decisiveness, effective communication, and grooming, highlighting the significance of taking care of one’s mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health as the foundation for building executive presence. Hosts Bio John Marshall The Founder of Humessence, International

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Your Podcast Hosts

"We wanted a space to redefine the image of today's professional. Our professional and personal lives are merging more than ever, and you will find the most fulfillment when they benefit from one another. The Present Professional is our platform for sharing wisdom that impacts how we live and work through empowering our listeners as the whole complete humans they are."

“The Present Professional represents the best parts of the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds we live in. People have to work, but being cognizant, conscious, and professional is a choice. We hope this podcast inspires our listeners to become the best version of themselves with each episode.”

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