Our Vision, Mission, and Development Framework

The Human Essence is a combination of three qualities: Connection, Contribution, and Creation. We aim to amplify these qualities in every individual and organization we serve to elevate the workplace human experience for all.

Our Vision...

A business environment where human-centered organizations are leading the marketplace. A world where workplaces value contributing to their people's lives through an authentic human experience. In a world being transformed by automation and AI, the key differentiator of success will be those companies who invest in the human skills driving business performance.

Our Mission...

Empower organizations with the development solutions and frameworks to create a more conscious and courageous culture that attracts and retains top talent. Provide the tools to cultivate psychologically safe and engaging environments that maximize employee potential. Our top-down bottom-up approach promotes a culture upgrade that endures.

How we produce results

Leadership and team development solutions rooted in positive psychology, adult development, and mindfulness principles. Humessence programs lie at the intersection of personal and professional development. Because when we develop the whole human, life improves both in and outside the workplace.

We partner with leaders and their teams to address the challenges that resonate with them. You only invest in what addresses your specific needs rather than a standard curriculum because every organization is as unique as its individuals.

Leadership Development Programs

From Sr. Leaders and Executives to Emerging High-Potential Leaders

Team Development & Training

Engaging Experiences to Grow and Connect Across All Levels

Executive & Performance Coaching

1 on 1 Executive, Career, and Communications Coaching

Our unique development framework and Coaching approach

We believe in a digestible yet comprehensive way for our clients to know where they stand and recognize how far they’ve come. After dozens of iterations and testing through years of client engagements, we discovered a universally applicable framework for human development. Continue to learn more about our Conscious Leadership Development Continuum, our coaching approach, and how they come together in Producing Present Professionals®.

Conscious Leadership Development Continuum

Bringing the human essence to modern business means bringing our best qualities to the forefront. Leaders and teams thrive as they allow their original essence to surface. Consciousness development is a roadmap to engaging with your life and work from a new and higher perspective. Take the courageous first step toward upgrading the behaviors driving your current state.

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A5 Coaching Approach diagram
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The Coaching Process

We’re committed to having a process that leaders and their organizations can easily comprehend and creates results. The A5 approach applies to all practical business and complex interpersonal challenges we face. Develop awareness of the behaviors or beliefs behind the challenge, acknowledge you’re part of the problem, and take action to restore integrity.

Get in Touch

Interested in learning more? Your success is our mission, and we’d love to hear from you.