Coach Victoria

A Culture of Innovation: Are you relying on individual or collective intelligence?

Does your IQ Predict Innovation? Many believe that recruiting top talent guarantees success, but is this truly the case? Does the greatest innovative thinking come from individual contributors, or is it the ability of the team to work collectively? Anita Woolley, Associate Dean of Research and Professor of Organizational Behavior at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper

A Culture of Innovation: Are you relying on individual or collective intelligence? Read More »

cropped shot of woman holding brain model in hands for mental health

Psychedelic Research and Mental Wellness

Have you heard about employers supporting microdosing protocols for their employees as part of their benefits package? Or of leadership teams working with psychedelics during company offsites? If not, that’s okay. But might want to understand why psychedelics will continue to insert themselves in the discussion around mental wellbeing. Clinical trials abound, and psychedelics have

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