The Consciousness Development Continuum

Our behaviors directly reflect our operating level of consciousness. Workplace culture reflects the level of consciousness leadership embodies. While everyone contributes, it starts at the top.

What is Consciousness development?

Bringing the human essence to modern business means bringing our best qualities to the forefront. People don’t necessarily need to “change” as they need to allow their original essence to surface. Consciousness development is a roadmap to engaging with life from a new perspective. Become aware of the behaviors driving your current state to take the courageous first step toward upgrading your experience and elevating workplace culture.

The Core of consciousness Development

What can we stand on when things get challenging or fall apart? This is where we start with clients. Solidifying the core allows leaders to make key decisions and take action. It allows organizations to stand on a solid foundation when the market deals them a poor hand.

Within each of our programs, participants and coachees will have an opportunity to connect with their core values and assess how their actions align with them. This strengthens our clients’ base to begin their development journey.

We are more mindful and other-focused as our Consciousness develops

Utilizing the latest in positive psychology as the foundation of lasting behavior change, we help leaders behave like who they want to become and organizations start living their values. Below are the stages of consciousness development and the actions that represent them, starting with the most mindful and self-transcendent actions to more primitive survival-based actions. This is not a place for judgment, only a tool for awareness.

The Sentient Triad

Higher-conscious thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors reflect the original essence we came into the world with and the disciplined pursuit of duty or higher calling beyond our ego. We challenge leaders to deliver the toughest messages and sternest discipline from this level.

Authentic connection requires vulnerability, humility, and authenticity. Listening without an agenda, recognizing and embracing our differences, and honoring relationships as foundational to our health and business.

Humble and selfless service supporting common humanity and uplifting a person, group, or community. Servant leaders value employees and a shared vision. Not weakness, but the king or queen’s energy acting for the good of the realm. Tough decisions are necessary.

Actions, words, thoughts, services, or products with the intent to deliver value to another or oneself and hold them in positive regard. What you or your organization is directly contributing to others and society without seeking accolades. 

A generative space for creativity with a purpose, novel solutions, efficiencies, and upgrades for yourself, others, customers, or anyone you’re contributing to in your life, work, or business. An area of intentionally focused creativity toward a new tier of value.

A generative state of mind or action with evaluation held at bay, allowing for new connections, pattern recognition, and ideation. Allowing and fostering a space for divergent thinking, from making a simple list to exquisite design.

Connective and creative activity for the sake of itself, highly generative of empathy, new relationships, and positive regard for oneself and others. A necessary display of our common humanity that fosters fertile ground for new connections both internally (neural) and externally.

The energy of competing within your teams, groups, relationships, and with oneself. It can be leveraged with external groups and companies, yet can become destructive when that’s all that drives you and your people. Positive in the spirit of collective growth or growing the pie.

A divergence of opinion or values that can be healthy and generative with a shared intention for the resulting path forward and unconditional positive regard without devolving into the divisive I-win-you-lose mentality. Move toward you and me vs. the problem.

Actions to impress others or appear a certain way above and beyond the direct contribution to your customers, clients, cause, values, or self healthily. Showmanship leans toward self-indulgence as the contribution matters less depending on who’s watching.

A necessary place to be for some industries and some systems that one will participate in throughout life, and when one lives in this place without regard for their views or feelings about the process, inner and external tyranny can rule. All structures are human.

Supportive of existing structures and essential support that one can place in intentional auto-pilot. Actions that neither create nor destroy, yet all energy focused in the direction of maintenance, denies our fundamental drive to be the creators of our experience.

A necessary boundary that can be placed as a system in an organization, a relationship, and around oneself, and at the same time, it can close us off from the vulnerability of true connection and empathy as well as placing unnecessary firewalls within systems and organizations.

The Evolving Triad

While these actions are a necessary engine of capitalism and sustainability, their energy can be the foundation of many life stressors if prolonged. Acting from here with the supporting energy of Sentient Triad intentions will immediately upgrade your life and organization.

The Primal Triad

A necessary part of our existence in small doses with a supportive intention. They’re the farthest from our true essence and develop as coping mechanisms throughout our lives. Existing at this level creates toxic cultures and unfulfilling lives over time.

To separate oneself from community and connection or divide groups into silos, not leveraging integrated value or satisfying the fundamental human need for connection and community. Useful with the right intention from an authentic and integrated place.

Exercise authority with a certain knowledge of attaining a personal or organizational objective. Exercising control to correct activity such that the objective or goal of command is accomplished. Useful in doses of urgency, with proper intention, &  without a power complex.

Action or service solely to support the gain of oneself or the organization. This active element of greed only concerns increasing material wealth, recognition, overindulgence, or acting to satisfy deep envy. The opposite of contribution.

To diminish the agency of another for the gain of oneself or the organization. The essence of you must lose for me to win. Changing or bringing down another w/ or w/o their knowledge toward gaining an ego-centered goal or out of fear in defense of oneself.

To bring down or destroy aspects of or the experience of oneself, others, or a system. Can surface in avoidance as well as action toward others and oneself. Also useful from the right intention when it serves best to bring something to an end in integrity.

To separate, sever connections, or silo individuals or groups within our lives, society, or organizations. Necessary to segregate duties or temporarily diffuse and dissolve conflict with resolute intentions. It’s an unnatural movement away from the integrity of the collective.

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