Leadership Development Coaching for Your Emerging Leaders

Develop | Impact | Retain

A 12-week individualized coaching program designed to develop executive presence and communication skills, directly impact the company, and retain your top talent.

What is the Game Changers Program?

  • Game Changer coaching grows your staff’s personal and professional skills that will further enhance their investment in the company and contribution to a positive culture.
  • This 12-week 1-on-1 coaching curriculum is a proven and successful method to inspire and retain your most valuable emerging leaders.

The Discovery, Exploration, and Implementation phases create a well rounded 12-week course with week-to-week 1-on-1 virtual coaching.

  • Cultivated content customized for the Game Changer’s specific area of focus will be shared and discussed.  Books, articles, and TED Talks will be introduced and used as part of their individualized experience.
  • The Game Changers receive a workbook to be used as a resource and learning guide during the 12-week coaching program. 
  • For companies who take on multiple Game Changers, once the Game Changers complete the 12-week program, they will become part of a quarterly 1-hour “Game Changers Unite” virtual session, which Julie will host.
  • Gathering the Game Changer Alumni in a group setting to discuss various topics and situations, will continue to grow their perspectives and keep them aligned and focused on being a champion and example for the company’s goals, values, and mission.

What our clients have to say

We have been so fortunate to have Julie on our RedPeg team. Her super-power is uncovering the best in people and helping them realize their path to maximizing their abilities and finding happiness. Julie truly knows how to connect with people. She is an attentive listener which leads to thoughtful questions that force you to really think about where you are and what you want to achieve. Julie has truly been a “game changer” for us at RedPeg. I would highly recommend anyone get her involved with their organization.

Making an Impact

Your game changers are expected to make a lasting impact—an opportunity to leave their mark.

Together with Coach Julie, the Game Changer will craft their Impact Project—an area of focus unique to their insights and experience within your organization.  The purpose of the Impact Project is empowering your emerging leaders to directly impact the company, team, or role. With Coach Julie’s support, the Game Changer chooses their Impact, develops the proposal, and presents it to leadership for approval.

Insight to Impact Examples:

The purpose of this ERG was to bring more connectivity to the remote employees and get them more involved in the culture of the company, ensuring that they felt as involved as the local employees.

With the desire to improve their own public speaking skills, the employee created a workshop for the entire company that could be taken in small group settings, to offer the basic skills for good public speaking.  They also joined a Toastmasters Club and referred several co-workers who were interested in furthering their skills.

Two Game Changers teamed up to create an offshoot of the Game Changer program where former Game Changers would take on the role of Mentor for other employees.  This is the ultimate goal of the Game Changer program, to have Game Changers carry forth their learnings from the program and share with the rest of the team.  Once enough employees have graduated from the program the cohort of Game Changers can take on the mission of teaching the fundamentals of good leadership, communication, and perspective and run an internal coaching program themselves.  I am most excited and proud of this Impact Project as it will create a culture of Game Changers moving forward.

What's in it for you and your Game Changer?

  • Allows employees a safe space to discuss their personal and professional goals, aspirations, and challenges.
  • Encourages retention and builds a company culture rooted in the value of personal and professional development. 
  • A coach & supervisor collaborative approach to developing the Game Changer throughout the program.  There will be regular interactions with the game changer’s Manager to maintain alignment and ensure progress.
  • Builds a business owner’s perspective for the Game Changer with an expanded view of how the company is run, who the leaders are, and the daily realities of running a business.

Your Program Director

Julie Johnston

Julie has a proven track record of having a positive and productive impact on emerging leaders. She is excited to partner with Humessence and help people develop the necessary skills and confidence to become effective communicators, motivators, mentors, and ultimately Game Changers for their company.

Another Happy Client

Julie Johnston is one of a kind. She is always the brightest light when she walks into any room, but as soon as she is in the room she turns that light on to everyone else. She has an uncanny ability to make people feel seen and heard and safe. The passion of her heart is to bring out the best in each human and help them discover the life path that will give them the most fulfillment and happiness. She is an encourager...she is a cheerleader....and she is wicked smart. One Julie on your team is all you need to believe that you can do anything. Can't say enough about her, so I will just encourage each person reading this to reach out to Julie and have just one conversation with her. You will be hooked for life.

What does a Game Changer candidate look like?

Ben was hired during the pandemic and works remotely. As a result, he has missed out on many face-to-face mentorships that being in-person often brings. Despite being a remote employee, he would like to learn to be more impactful and effective. He is eager to learn how to strengthen his relationships with his team members and also engage with the leadership around him.

Amy is on the verge of being promoted to Manager. She is excited about the opportunity but lacks confidence in her presentation and public speaking. She knows good communication will be an important part of her new role. Hence, she wants to build her confidence and find opportunities to practice and improve her communication skills.

Sima has been at the company for over ten years.   She is the Director of her department and has a team of five under her leadership.  She has been very comfortable in her role at the firm but is starting to see her colleagues being promoted and surpassing her.  She aims to join the Senior Leadership team and is willing to work hard to get there.

Jordan has recently been promoted to a Department Manager role but struggles with having hard conversations with the people they manage.  They know they limit their staff’s growth when they avoid discussing mistakes and giving constructive feedback.  They want to become a better mentor to their team and seek to establish their authority and leadership, so their staff will come to them for support.

This is Penny’s first job out of grad school, and she is new to the company. She is a dedicated worker eager and motivated to make her mark and a good impression on management. However, being new, she lacks the much-needed perspective and understanding of how the company is run and the importance of the role she was hired to play. Penny needs to gain self-awareness and knowledge as to what her path ahead could look like and how to achieve it.


Reach out for more details

Let’s discuss the future of your Game Changers.

Additional Information About Humessence

For more information please visit our About Us page to learn more about Humessence and our mission. Also, check out our learning library for additional content you can utilize for your own personal and professional development.

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