Cultivate The Human Essence of Your Business

Leadership and team development solutions to grow the human skills behind business performance and overall employee well-being.

Leadership and team development solutions to grow the human skills behind business performance and overall employee well-being.

A note from our founder, John Marshall

Thank you for considering investing in yourself and your people. Years ago, I was right where you’re at, and asking for help was the best decision I ever made.

Humessence was born to help organizations succeed while contributing to the holistic development of their employees—integrating personal and professional development.

We’re an intimate, human-centered organization. So, when you’re ready, schedule a call with me or anyone from our team.

Our Human Essence

We are certified coaches and training professionals ready to provide a client-centered experience. At Humessence, we know that one size fits one, so every engagement is co-created with our clients.

We develop Conscious Leaders and Cohesive Teams

It starts at the “top” and integrates at the “bottom.” To bring the human essence into the modern workplace, we must have a clear vision of what that looks like and the framework to achieve it. When we consciously develop ourselves and our teams, we change how we live and work.

Why invest in coaching?

See the impact of what coaching can do for you and your people. We work with our clients through the coaching partnership to support thriving professional and personal lives. Our signature Leadership Consciousness Development Continuum is the key to our program promise and clients’ success.


of employees reported they would stay longer if companies invested in their career


of companies have reported talent shortages and retention difficulties


of Americans who quit from culture issues left because of managerial relationships

Trusted by Respected Brands

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We’re committed to producing content you can immediately incorporate into improving your life inside and outside the workplace. Check out all of the free opportunities to learn from and engage with Humessence certified coaches and subject matter experts.


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What we're doing in the Community

We want to make a difference in education and systems supporting community well-being. Schedule a consultation with us if you’re considering developing a well-being or personal development program for your organization. Nonprofits supporting community outreach and development are eligible to receive service discounts.

Youth Confidence in Communication Program

Humessence Coach Julie Johnston, also the founder of iContact Coaching, leads a coaching program for youth based in Fairfax VA. She works with children and teens offering classes, summer camps, workshops, and internships to help build confidence in their communication and social interaction, preparing them for the opportunities that lie ahead.

Coaching Ukrainian Leaders Through Crisis

Humessence Founder and Coach, John Marshall, was selected by ICF Foundation as one of the coaches supporting the global effort to provide 500 leaders across Ukraine and Europe with pro bono coaching. Coach John says, "The resilience of the people in managing the stresses of daily life while contributing to their work and families is remarkable and inspiring."

CoolxDad Community Uplift Program

We design and facilitate custom programs for organizations, groups, and associations that want to upgrade their employees' and members' consciousness and overall well-being. This program was developed for CoolxDad, a local Houston nonprofit organization looking to change the narrative around fathers of color in America. Click the link to learn more about their mission.

Bend Guys for Good

An open group of local leaders, mentors, and like minded folks who organize around a common philanthropic purpose. We meet regularly socially and pool our donations quarterly to the benefit of a local non-profit. Humessence Leadership Development Professional, Brett Larson is a local leader of Bend Guys for Good.

are you ready to invest in yourself and your people?

Let’s discuss your unique priorities. Connect with us today!

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