Coach Don Fries' professional headshot

Don Fries​

Executive and Leadership Coach

"Successful and significant leaders are those with a clear, primary focus coupled with an engaged energy, that creates the momentum to motivate, engage and inspire others."

During my 38 years with Exxon Mobil Corporation and its heritage companies, I have led and managed organizations and teams across the globe (including living abroad in Singapore from 2000 to 2005). My professional expertise is primarily in the areas of manufacturing, supply chain, sales, marketing, learning and professional development, inclusion and diversity, and culture change. The common thread throughout all of these experiences was a passionate desire to learn from others, to gain an appreciation and respect for the views and beliefs of others to achieve a common goal, and to help others achieve their full potential.

Although I began my “formal” Coaching journey in 2018, through my professional and personal life experiences, I have been developing and honing my coaching skills over the past 40+ years. My approach to coaching is open-minded and flexible to ensure that my connection with my clients is as meaningful and productive for them as possible. My goal is to partner with my clients in a creative, energized and thought-provoking way; to discover new possibilities; explore practical options; and accelerate effective implementation of go-forward plans.

Coach Don Fries' professional headshot

Don Fries​

Executive and Leadership Coach

"Successful and significant leaders are those with a clear, primary focus coupled with an engaged energy, that creates the momentum to motivate, engage and inspire others."

Don leverages his extensive business and leadership experience to partner with senior leaders in a creative and thought-provoking way, to discover new possibilities, explore practical options, and accelerate implementation.
During his 38 years with Exxon Mobil Corporation and its heritage companies, Don gained a wide range of personal and professional development experiences, including leading and managing teams across the globe in the areas of manufacturing, supply chain, sales, marketing, learning, and professional development, inclusion and diversity, and culture change. Throughout each experience, Don sought ways to help others grow and unlock excellence within themselves with every opportunity.

Education & Credentials:

Approaches & Expertise: Talent Management; Culture and Change Management; Global Project Management; Directors/VP’s/SVP’s; Senior Management; Mid-Level Management; Individual Contributors

My Ideal Clients: Experienced and highly regarded Sales and Marketing leaders

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